Halloween is coming, so let’s add some spookiness to your house!
What’s creepier than some fun Halloween spiders?
If you’re thinking of adding some cool DIY spiders to your home but you aren’t sure what you’re doing, we’re here to help. Here are just a few different methods on how to make a Halloween spider for your home!
Pipe Cleaners
When you think of making Halloween spiders, perhaps you don’t first think about pipe cleaners. Most people think they’re just for kids to play with, but they are actually incredibly versatile.
This makes them perfect for a wide range of DIY projects.
It’s pretty easy to make these DIY spiders, and they’re ideal if you don’t have the money to spend on expensive art supplies.
In order to make these spiders, you are going to need to get some googly eyes, a pair of scissors, PVA glue and you will need 4 black pipe cleaners.
Grab your pipe cleaners, then cut two of them in half. Once you have done this, you will have four smaller pipe cleaners. You should put them in a bunch, then wrap the two pipe cleaners that remain around the middle of your bunch of pipe cleaners.
By doing this you will make your spider’s body.
Once your spider’s legs and body are ready, you should shape them into a 90 degree angle and allow the legs to splay around the body. The legs essentially need to look bent.
Once you have done this, your spider’s legs and body will be ready, so you just need to stick a big pair of googly eyes onto the body and you’re done!
They’re quick and easy to make, and you can even make a whole bunch of them. Scatter them around the house to scare any guests, add them to some fake cob webs across the mirror or mantle – the options are endless.
A Little Scarier
Want something a little more spooky and less cutesy? You can make these huge, fuzzy spiders instead!
To make these spiders, grab two small foam balls. You need to ensure that one of them is around half the size of the other. Then, hot glue the two balls together- they may look a little like a snowman at this point.
Get some faux black or brown fur, and cover the foam ball in the fur. Hot glue the bottom of the spider to attach the faux fur. Then, poke a hole through the fur and the foam, and put some wire or black pipe cleaners inside of the hole to create the legs. If needed add a little hot glue to the holes to hold the legs in place.
These are sure to spook anyone that dares to enter your home!
Using Mason Jars
We bet you didn’t know you can make Halloween spiders using mason jars! To make these, just grab yourself a black mason jar (or any other color – who says you can’t make pink spiders?).
Next, get some pipe cleaners, and fold four of them right in half. You can then bend these pipe cleaners again to create the knee area of the legs.
Then attach the legs to the lid of the mason jar. It may be helpful to put the end of the pipe cleaner under the band where the lid will go, and then glue it into place.
Allow the legs to dry in place for a while, then put some googly eyes on the mason jar. You could probably even use this as a DIY trick or treat bowl if you get a mason jar large enough!
A Spider For The Little Ones
If you’re looking for a fun DIY project to do with the youngest members of your family, then you can try this spider!
To make the spider, get a paper plate and paint it. You can paint it any color, but it needs to match the color of the rest of the spider. If your little one wants to paint their spider green then that’s totally okay too!
Once you have done this, remove the rim on the outside of the paper plate – it should just look like a large circle. You will then have to divide the rim in half so there are two circles.
These circles then need to be cut in quarters – these will make the spider’s leg. The middle of the plate is going to be the spider’s body, and you can make this any shape that you want.
Glue all of the parts together, including the legs. Add a mouth with a marker and glue on some googly eyes. You can then add some string and drinking straws onto the back so you can hang it up if you wish. You could even make the spider his own little web!
Time to Create
Making a fantastic Halloween spider doesn’t need to be difficult! In fact, making your own Halloween decorations can be a great way not only to save money but also to get your children and family members in on the fun.
With any of these methods you can make some incredibly cool and creepy looking spiders that your friends and family are sure to love!